Join Simba Rewards, our loyalty program, and start earning points with every rental to unlock exclusive perks and discounts on future journeys
Simba Reward & Loyalty Program
Key Benefits of Simba Club
Every journey you take earns you valuable reward points. Accumulate them and unlock free rentals, vehicle upgrades, and more. The more you rent, the more you earn.
Earn Reward Points
Exclusive savings are at your fingertips. Access tailored discounts and offers, never missing a chance to save on rentals through email updates.
Discounts and Special Offers
Skip the queues with a seamless check-in process, getting you on the road quickly.
Fast-Track Check-In
Tailored travel tips and recommendations based on your preferences and rental history for a seamless and enjoyable trip experience.
Personalized Recommendations
How It Works
Book Now and start earning points.
Book A Ride
Earn points in each booking.
Earn Points
Redeem points while paying and save.
Redeem Points
For every hire day
1 Point
On your birthday
2 Points
For a review
5 Points
Subscribe newsletter
2 Points
For returning customers
2 Points
Follow us on Instagram
1 Point
Follow us on Facebook
1 Point
Download Simba APP
10 Points
Ways To Earn Reward Points
Explore The best car rental prices
Discover unbeatable car rental deals with Simba Car Hire at Sydney Airport, Cairns Airport, and Adelaide Airport. Enjoy the lowest prices, convenient airport pick-up, and the perfect vehicle for your Australian adventure. Book now and save on your travel with Simba Car Hire – where value meets convenience.